Medical Providers


We work closely with Healthcare Providers.


We accept your patient referrals for women suffering from:

* Migraines

* Headaches

* TMJ-Dysfunction

* Chronic Pain


Rest assured when you refer your patients they will be treated with the utmost care.


You Can Trust Us!

* We are 100% HIPAA compliant.

* We keep detailed progress notes on each and every appointment in the SOAP note format.

* You may request to receive a copy of your patient's initial evaluation and subsequent re-evaluation notes for their patient file.

* You may request copies of any of your patient's records with their signed release.



Thank you for trusting us with your patients.

We look forward to working with you long-term in achieving the best outcome for patients.


Continue reading below to learn more about how we work.

manual therapies


Holistic Medical Massage Therapy is a combination of advanced assessment, soft tissue, structural (bone & joint), and neurological techniques which are organized to address the particular needs of each individual client. 

A single treatment is focused on a specific region or type of dysfunction and is based upon the client’s complaints and the therapist’s findings. It is seldom a full body treatment and is distinctly different from a therapeutic relaxation massage. It is not necessary for a client to have a prescription from a physician, however, in certain circumstances one may be required. 

Our work together is collaborative between the practitioner and client. A treatment plan is developed based on each client’s individual needs and the treatment goal.  Each treatment is different and changes as the client’s condition improves.  

The protocol for medical massage is as follows:

  • A complete, detailed client history
  • Assessment of posture, movement, soft tissues, swelling, and neurological function
  • Creation and acceptance of a treatment goal by client and practitioner
  • Treatment of abnormal tissues, swelling, and neurological function
  • Medical notes on every session
  • Re-assessment
  • Additional treatment
  • Repeat as necessary through the session

An advanced neuromuscular therapist has extensive advanced training in anatomically specific assessment, palpation, and treatment.  Mastery in these modalities takes advanced training and experience treating hundreds of clients. To learn more about our therapist click here.

Treatment may contain one or a combination of the following modalities listed below.​  Each of these therapies is very specific and, when integrated, they create a powerful therapeutic impact. 

All session times include consultation, assessment, and treatment. Dressing time and check-in/check-out are NOT included in the treatment time. Please allow up to an additional fifteen minutes for dressing and check-in/check-out.

**Please Note**

We do NOT bill health insurance! We can give you a detailed receipt for you to submit to your insurance.


Have questions? Book a call to speak with our Founder, Ruqayyah Abdul-Rahim.


Schedule a Call With Our Founder




Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Stretching combine gentle, passive, and active stretching to obtain maximum flexibility and increase the range of motion.


Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) targets the soft tissue or trigger point that causes the pain. When pain is reduced, the range of motion is improved. This type of massage relieves muscle tension and soreness which boosts mobility and flexibility by treating musculoskeletal pain and injuries. It is often used for treating chronic pain and injury, and improving posture and muscular imbalances. The advanced Neuromuscular Therapist works with the client to retrain the connection between your muscles and your brain to restore muscle function.


Athletic/Sports Massage Therapy is the specific application of massage techniques, hydrotherapy protocols, range of motion/flexibility protocol, and strength-training principles utilized to achieve a specific goal when treating an athlete.


Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system which is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.

Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

By complementing the body's natural healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.


Cupping Therapy is a traditional, time-honored treatment favored by millions of people worldwide because it is safe, comfortable, and remarkably effective for many health conditions. The cups are moved over the skin using gliding and other various techniques while the therapist gently pulls up on the cups, or they may be left stationary for a short time. It's the use of negative pressure, or suction, rather than compression for bodywork ranging from myofascial release to lymphatic drainage- and everything in between! Cupping rapidly facilitates rigid soft tissue release, loosens and lifts connective tissues, breaks up adhesions, and drains stagnation while increasing blood and lymph flow to skin and muscles in a way not possible with compression.

Negative pressure massage really feels great! The pulling action engages the parasympathetic nervous system, thus allowing a deep relaxation to move through the entire body. Facial cupping is used to gently pull the skin away from deeper layers of fascia. This increases blood flow to the area and rejuvenates the skin without leaving cup marks behind. It is not unusual to fall asleep while receiving treatment. People are often surprised at how relaxed, warm and light they feel - hours...sometimes even days afterward.

Cupping is an effective therapy for the following:

  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Myofascial release
  • Eliminating muscle knots
  • Easing fatigue and anxiety
  • Improves range of motion
  • Can reduce the pain from sciatica
  • Colon stimulation
  • Bio-magnetic balancing
  • Facelifts, body sculpting, cellulite smoothing, and toning
  • Scar tissue release
  • Detoxification
  • Muscle relaxation and tension elimination
  • Strengthening the immune system


Deep Tissue Massage Therapy works to lengthen and relax deep tissue. During deep tissue massage, the therapist applies slow, forceful strokes. These help release knots and strains in the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. The overall aim is to realign the muscles and release chronic muscle tension from ailments or injuries. This type of massage may help manage pain and increase a person’s range of motion. Deep tissue massage may be a suitable option to treat sports injuries or chronic pain.


Myofascial Release (MFR) is performed without the use of oils or creams. It involves the application of gentle sustained pressure into fascial restrictions, eliminating pain, and restoring motion. Trauma or inflammatory responses can cause these restrictions in the fascia, which is the uninterrupted connective tissue that surrounds and attaches to every structure in the body.


Neural Manipulation (NM) is a gentle, precise, light-touch, hands-on treatment that releases local nerve restrictions while at the same time examines the effect these local fixations have on the rest of the body, and by accessing this relationship, changes the more comprehensive (global) dysfunctional patterns. It also enhances the proper functioning of the nervous system.


Neural Reset Therapy (NRT) works with specialized nerve bundles called mechanoreceptors. The receptors respond to pressure, velocity, vibration, stretch, and other forces. When receptors detect a change, a signal is sent to the spinal cord and then relayed to the brain.  With NRT, the therapist briefly stimulates the receptors embedded in the selected muscle by asking for a position to be held or for a movement in a particular direction. Or the therapist taps on a muscle in such a way as to cause receptors to send a special message to the spinal cord.  That new message goes through the spinal integrating center which will reset the nervous system so the muscle is optimized neurologically. With the reset, the muscular pain and tightness disappear within seconds.


Prenatal & Postnatal Massage Therapy helps reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Prenatal and postnatal massage therapy addresses different needs through varying techniques, one of which is called Swedish Massage.


Somatic Bodywork Technique is used when an individual is having a difficult time controlling the tension and discomfort of their muscles. It is the result of memories or traumatic experiences that have been repressed and forgotten about consciously – although the subconscious has yet to deal with the experience. Somatic bodywork, then, focuses on your inner perceptions and experience. These can include physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts, as well as your awareness of your body in space and any “null zones,” areas where you lack sensation or awareness.

When we pay attention, without judgment, to all of your inner perceptions in the moment, the body can tell the full story of an injury, pain, or problem. Often, this story has some surprising roots. And by acknowledging them, much deeper healing or transformation becomes possible.


Synergy Stone Therapy utilizes hand-crafted heated Synergy Stones as a substitute to reach deeper muscles when patients don’t like deep pressure. Hand-crafted heated Synergy Stones work to soothe, sculpt, and knead achy muscles into a deeper state of relaxation than ever before. Experience hot stone relaxation with therapeutic custom pressure “synergized” into a multi-sensation massage for body and mind.


Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ-D) Therapy provides effective relief of joint-related pain and involves a gentle connection of tissue of the jaw muscles, neck, and shoulders. In general, the muscles in the jaw and face respond quickly to treatment. It is very effective and simple. 

The importance of stimulating blood circulation to help adjust the bite and regain functional movement to the original state before pain. TMJ-D can be treated when paired with the simple methods of targeting the nerves and muscles through repositioning and relaxation jaw massage. The importance of stimulating blood circulation to help adjust the bite and regain functional movement to the original state before pain. TMJ-D can be treated when paired with the simple methods of targeting the nerves and muscles through repositioning and relaxation jaw massage. 


Trauma-Informed Bodywork assists clients who have experienced trauma including, but not limited to, sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse. Client-led sessions performed by a trauma-informed practitioner include gentle, intuitive touch given with extreme patience for what the client is comfortable with. Sessions include details (and informed consent) of everything that will be done ahead of time. The aim of every session is to build trust between the client and practitioner. Clients experience positive, non-sexual, healing touch on their terms without expectations of personal relationships.


Trigger Point Therapy consists of a variety of treatments designed to release pressure on the affected area, thereby allowing the knotted muscle to relax. The benefits of trigger point therapy are numerous. Not only is it effective in reducing headaches and muscle tension, but it can also improve range of motion and flexibility. Clients have found it successful in improving their posture and relieving pain.

Clients like that there is no medication involved; they can seek treatment during a lunch hour and not worry about driving or experiencing any side effects; it also reduces and may even eliminate the need for pain medication and opioids.

In the form of therapeutic massage, trigger point therapy can ease the source of pain via cycles of isolated pressure and release while the patient performs some deep breathing exercises, helping to improve blood circulation and release the constricted areas in the muscles.

Most importantly, trigger point therapy has found success in treating the pain associated with a variety of ailments, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, and musculoskeletal pain, to TMJ disorder, herniated discs and sciatica, even Parkinson’s disease and cancer.



The modalities listed are effective in helping clients with the following (...and more)





Back & Neck Pain


Chronic Pain 

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Frozen Shoulder

Herniated Discs

Muscle/Ligament Tears 

Muscle Pain/Aches/Stiffness

Muscle Spasms

Postural Issues

Range of Motion Limitations

Rheumatoid Arthritis 



Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow

Tension Headache



Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

TMJ-Dysfunction/Jaw Pain




Anxiety/Stress Reduction 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Central Nervous System (CNS) Disorders

Emotional Difficulties


Memory/Concentration Support

Migraines and Headaches

Mood Support

Motor-Coordination Impairments

Neurovascular or Immune Disorders


Sciatic Nerve Pain

Spinal Cord Injuries




Women's Health

C-Section Scars

Pelvic Pain

Prenatal & Postnatal Issues

  • Back & Hip Pain
  • Edema
  • Foot Pain
  • Round Ligament Pain   


Ear, Nose, & Throat







Abdominal Pain

