Are you a Survivor?

Live Life On Your Terms

Are You Ready?

For overwhelmed professional, God conscious mothers who keep letting other people’s needs get in the way of their dreams.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Does any of this sound familiar?

"I've been going to therapy for years, I thought I *fixed* it, but I still feel like something is missing."

"I can't help thinking this is all my fault & I'll be stuck this way forever."

"Why does my abuser keep getting to live their life & I'm stuck here dealing with it? I'm angry!"

"I didn't realize how much these experiences affected every area of my life."

"I overwork to avoid my feelings and the thinking about the trauma."

"I try to solve everyone else's problems to avoid my own."

Holistic Stress Management

Take a deep breath and relax those shoulders - you're in the right place.

I'm ready to stop letting my trauma run my life

Maybe you can relate:  

You've been on this healing journey for awhile, but the dieting, self help books, therapy, "faking it 'til you make it," meditating, exercising have helped you build a "normal life" with a job & the house, but you find yourself ending up right back in the same place... 

Single for a long time (because you're afraid to let people in & because you've built up walls so big & strong no one seems good enough).

or dating a lot, but haven't been able to hold unto a meaningful relationship

I'll let you in on the secret: You keep looking outside of yourself to fix the broken pieces inside of you

You might be asking:

How do I know that even though you look "put together" to the outside world on the inside you feel so lost?

Because I've been where you are. I used to "have my stuff together," but on the inside I felt completely lost. I felt that everyone could see the pain I was in even though I desperately tried to hide it.

Years ago I discovered I'm an intuitive healer. I've treated hundreds of women over the last ten years through therapeutic massage, medical massage, workshops, virtual healing, and coaching. Now I combine all of my healing abilities, experience and training to help women like us (survivors) heal themselves and truly create a life full of empowerment, freedom, confidence, love, companionship, success, boundaries, and wellness.

I believe that in order to truly heal we have to take a holistic approach treating the mind + body + spirit. Only through treating our FULL selves can we learn to be safe, self confident, and full of self love.

Unfortunately, over the last twenty years I've suffered multiple traumas (I'm talking multiple sexual assaults and domestic violence marriages). Each one compounding on the last. I've been married twice. I was engaged seven years ago and cancelled the wedding the day before. My trauma caused me to overwork, so I wouldn't have to be at home. If I was at home, then I'd have to deal with the trauma, pain and, Lord forbid, I'd have to actually feel something. I was so numb.

I slowly decided I wanted more out of life.

I didn't realize I was a people pleaser, until people started to get mad at me when I told them no. That only got me to say YES to ME more.

I started to take care of me and set boundaries for others, even my kids. My children know not to ask me anything while I'm in the restroom - the answer will always be No. If you have kids, I'm sure you can relate that they don't need anything until you're in the restroom, then all of a sudden it's an emergency. ;)

After realizing that "No." is a complete sentence I took more steps in my healing journey. I spent money and countless hours trying to find the answers. Some things worked and some didn't. I searched and searched for solutions, not realizing that the answer has always been inside of me. 

Figuring out that "the answer was always inside of me" took a long time and lots of money, unfortunately, no one was able to help me with how to find the answer within. The great thing is -- I figured it out and will walk you through how to find the answers within and how to build the life you've always dreamt of!

This program is for YOU if

You've maxed out how far you can get with talk therapy. Like, you still have a therapist, but you're craving actionable steps instead of sitting in & being defined by your past.

You struggle with big triggers 1-2 times a year.

You're ready to take full responsibility over your life & be the one to propel yourself forward.

You're done waiting for someone to rescue you & you're ready to take actionable steps to be the one to save yourself.

This program is NOT for you if…

​You're in active triggers or in acute trauma.

You are still blaming everyone else for where you're at.

Your basic needs aren't met - we cannot focus on healing when you're worried about how to eat or paying rent.

Hi, I'm Ruqayyah (Ru-Ki-Yah).

I designed this 6-month coaching program just for you. It's all the things I wish I had when I was trying to figure it all out. I hold space for survivors that want more out of life.

Together we do the healing work deep inside of you, so you don't have to live another day hiding pieces of you or wondering if your outward appearance will ever match what you feel inside. I combine intuitive healing and holistic coaching to holistically heal your mind, body, & spirit, so you can build the life you've always wanted!

In addition to the healing, I've helped clients:

  • Start the business they were too scared to do on their own
  • Get rid of chronic pain for good
  • Heal their limiting beliefs
  • Get a promotion at work 
  • Create successful communication with their significant other
  • Create and maintain boundaries with loved ones
  • Have the courage to move on when their boss was abusive
  • Get rid of their debilitating migraines and headaches

If you're ready to take your power back and create meaningful long-lasting change in your life, book your free consultation today. Let's do this!

This is your defining moment!

The decision is now. You are worth it.

Yes! I'm Ready to Heal!